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Chemistry is a branch of science that studies substances’ structure, composition, and properties. It is a natural science that covers the molecules and their transformation.

Chemistry is often referred to as central science as it provides a basis for comprehending fundamental and applied scientific domains at a rudimentary level. While learning chemistry, understanding some basic concepts of chemistry questions is crucial.

Types of Chemistry

We can classify chemistry into five classes.

  • Inorganic chemistry
  • Organic chemistry
  • Physical chemistry
  • Analytical chemistry
  • Biochemistry

Inorganic Chemistry

Inorganic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the synthesis and behaviour of inorganic and organometallic compounds. Most inorganic compounds are ionic, i.e., have a strong electrostatic force of attraction in between them. For example, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, sodium hydrogen carbonate, potassium oxide, etc.

Inorganic compounds are present in nature as minerals. Soil contains iron sulphide as pyrite or calcium sulphate as gypsum. It is also found as biomolecules, sodium chloride (an electrolyte), or ATP (in energy storage). Ammonium nitrate is the first inorganic compound synthesised during Haber’s process.

Inorganic chemistry is essential for numerous practical functions, such as catalysis, energy transformation and depository, and electronics. Inorganic compounds are also found in biological systems, which are integral to life processes.

Organic Chemistry

Organic chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with the structure, properties, and reactions of organic compounds (carbon-containing covalent compounds). It constitutes the root of all earthly life and most known chemicals. It tells us about natural product synthesis, polymers, drugs, and individual organic molecules.

Organic chemistry plays an integral role in our daily life. Organic compounds direct the preparation of numerous valuable products, such as agricultural chemicals, pharmaceuticals, food additives, paint, plastics, enzymes, cosmetics, etc.

Physical Chemistry

Physical chemistry is the branch of chemistry that studies macroscopic and particulate phenomena in chemical systems based on physics principles like energy, thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, quantum chemistry, and chemical equilibria.

Physical chemistry plays a crucial role in our life. The vehicle’s battery uses the principle of electrochemistry, the photosynthetic phenomenon uses physical chemistry, and solar appliances use the code of physical chemistry by converting electrical energy from solar energy.


Analytical Chemistry

Analytical chemistry is the branch of chemistry that deals with extracting, processing, and transmitting details about the composition and structure of matter. It helps in separating, identifying, and quantifying the matter.

The primary objective of analytical chemistry is to improve practical techniques, chemometrics, and new measurement tools. It has extensive use in pharmaceutical, science, and engineering. To learn more about analytical chemistry, read analytical questions. It will enable you to review the topic and clear all your doubts.


Biochemistry is the branch of chemistry that studies biological processes at the cellular and molecular levels. It concentrates on comprehending the chemical rationale, which entitles biological molecules to give rise to the processes that occur within living cells and between cells.

Biochemistry tells us about biological macromolecules’ structure, bonding, functions, and interactions. It helps us understand how biochemical changes relate to physiological alterations in the body.